2025 Dog Days of Summer


Dates: July 18th - 20th 

Location: Carteret, NJ 
Format: 3 games into elimination 
Divisions: 8U - 10U - 12U
Entry Deadline: June 15
Price: 8U - $225 plus pay at plate  10U - 14U $500 plus pay at plate 

Look here to see whose here



This middle of July event will feature 3 age groups of play, no 8 am games for 8u & 10u, Friday games starting after 6pm, 8U 4GG between Friday night, Saturday & Sunday, one umpire. 
10u & 14U two umpires. 3 game seeding then elimination (either single elim or playback-based on teams registered). Friday games possible for 10U.
BONUS: if your team played in the June 22 & 23 Slide into Summer, you will receive a $100 discount on entry fee. The more you play, the less you'll pay!
8u- All players receive medals, Bluechip helmet stickers
10u, 12u & 14u
Championship Award
Championship Trophies
Runner Up Award
Runner up medals