2020 Triple Crown OKC
Lodging Surcharge -
The lodging surcharge grants teams permission to book accommodation outside of Triple Crown’s hotels. Teams cannot book outside hotels until the lodging surcharge is purchased.This is non refundable. Teams may only transfer the lodging surcharge to another TC event in 2020. Thanks!
WCWS - Session 2 Thursday PM
Name: WCWS - Session 2 Thursday PM
Information: TBA when and where tickets will be picked up from
One purchase per team. Bundle includes 20 Tickets in the OUTFIELD
*Disclaimer: In the event of inclement weather, TC tournament games will take precedence over any WCWS games or tickets you may have purchased from either TC or other vendors. Per the NCAA there are no refunds, exchanges, or transfers of tickets. Also, TC reserves the right to change or modify your playing schedule based on field conditions or other unforeseen circumstances. Please remain patient with us, should this occur.